Our Teen Services Department serves teens in grades 7-12.
Our teen space is Teen Alley on the upper floor of the building where teens may relax, study, and read. This space is reserved for teens. Our teen collection consists of novels organized by author, manga, graphic novels, foreign language, and Wonderbooks. Teen non-fiction and audiobooks are interfiled with the adult collections. We often have interactive activities such as games, coloring, and scavenger hunts in Teen Alley, too.

Teen Café’s spring session will run on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 2:45pm-4:30pm from March 4 – May 22 (no Teen Café on Mar 25 & 27 during Spring Break)
At Teen Café youth enjoy video games, board games, snacks, special activities, and hanging out. Plus easy access to library materials! Teen Café meets in the Library
Community Room (lower level). All teens in grades 7-12 are welcome!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay connected.
Please contact Adult Services Librarian Alyssa Jurgens at 262-284-5031 or ajurgens@monarchlibraries.org with any questions or comments.