
Our Children’s Department has been set up to serve the needs of families and children from infants through 6th grade.

You are invited to stop in and browse our Children’s Library located in the lower level of our building. In addition to books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, and magazines, we also offer:

  • Wonderbooks & VOX books (books with an audiobook component built in)
  • Daycare Backpack Kits (themed titles and activities – great for daycares and families)
  • Phonics Sets/Leveled Readers (boxed sets for different reading levels)
  • STEAM-to-GO Kits (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math- based kits with hands-on learning activities and reading materials)
  • Foreign language fiction section
  • Curriculum collection
  • Ongoing reading challenges such as 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, 500 Books Before Middle School, Summer Reading Challenge, and more! Sign up at or download the Beanstack app.
  • MakeMake – a digital collection of authentic Spanish titles, accessible from the library or home by logging in with your library card. Immediate access — no checkout required!

We offer programming for children of all ages such as an annual Summer Reading Challenge, storytimes, sensory play events, author talks, storywalks, Coding Club, and more. Check out our events calendar for current happenings.

Social media folks, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay connected.

MakeMake resource flyer

La biblioteca digital MakeMake con libros para niños y adolescentes.

Please contact our Adult Services Librarian, Alyssa Jurgens, with any questions or comments at or 262-284-5031.